Gifted & Talented Information
There is new terminology in the AISD Gifted and Talented program. GT STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is for students identified as gifted in math and/or science and GT Humanities is for students identified as gifted in language arts and/or social studies.
More information about the AISD gifted program is available from the Department of Advanced Academic Services website. This site can be found at:
Each classroom teacher provides activities targeted to gifted and talented students, but the enrichment activities are available to high-ability students and others who want the challenge.
Nominations and screening will occur in the fall. There is a three-week window for nominations. All information will be communicated through the Oak Hill Newsletter.
Thank you for your interest and support of the Gifted and Talented program at Oak Hill Elementary School.

Click here for the nomination and parent checklist.
- advanced/extensive vocabulary
- work advanced beyond the grade level/age
- extremely inquisitive,
- asks many questions,
- often challenging, provoking and/or demanding
- in-depth understanding of complex concepts
- persistence is evident in areas of interest
- high level of curiosity, energy, enthusiasm and vigor for new ideas
- advanced reasoning
- feels keenly about own ideas and solutions to problems, and often expresses them regardless of what others may think
- likes to examine new possibilities for problems/solutions, rather than fitting within a structure
- especially original imagination
- initiates projects and often prefers to work alone
- keenly observant
- keen sense of humor
For more information about the AISD GATE Program, please visit