Join the OHE Library Birthday Book Club…
The Birthday Book Club is a great opportunity for the families of Oak Hill Elementary to help build our library collection. In order to participate, all you have to do is donate $15.00 to the Oak Hill Library during the month of your child’s birthday. Your child will then come to the library to pick out a special Birthday Book Club Book from our vast collection. Once they have selected their Birthday Book, a bookplate with your child’s name and birth date is placed inside the book and they are able to check it out to show their friends and family. A photograph of your child with their Birthday Book is taken and posted in the hallway before they are given a special certificate to mark the occasion. The book should be returned to the library in a timely manner so it can continue being circulated for all students to read and enjoy. The best thing about the Birthday Book Club is that all monies donated will be used to purchase additional books for our library!
Yes! We want to participate in the Birthday Book Club. Fill out this form and send it in with your child or drop off at the library:
Want to know if we have a book or find certain books of interest BEFORE you come to the library?
Well, just log onto AISD's online library catalog (SIRSI DYNIX...or as we like to call it...ibistro) and search Oak Hill Library's collection.
Go to and click on Oak Hill. Students can search by author, title, or subject.
They can also find books similar to the books they already enjoy by using the "find more books by this author" or "find more books on these topics" options once they are inside the book's record.
Students can even make a list (like a shopping cart) by selecting KEEP as they find books they like. Students can either print this list or write down the call numbers of the books they want so they are prepared ahead of time for their next visit.
We continue to practice with this tool in the library day, but if YOU are interested in learning a little more, stop by the library, and I can give a quick tutorial so you and your family can use it at home.
Looking for some safe educational online resources to help with research or to learn more on a topic of interest?
A great feature of our online catalog is the Knowledge Portal, AISD's FREE available databases.
AISD Library Online Resources
To access these resources from school, no login is needed. Open a web browser and type in ibistro in the address bar select “Knowledge Portal.”
However, to access these resources at home, you will need to follow the instructions below:
- Go to
- Click on your school
- Click the tab labeled “Knowledge Portal” to access these resources.
- Use the Login ID and Password when prompted
**Due to internet sharing safety, CONTACT Mr. Camarillo at or 512-414-5151 specific username/password
Throughout the year, I try to introduce different databases to the students through lessons that correlate with what they are learning in the classroom.
Curriculum Resource Center:
This resource offers biographical information (with photos and other reproducible handout materials), historical information, flags, timelines, career information, science project experiments and science diagrams.
We have not used this in the library yet this year, but may be a good spring board at home to get ideas or background information for projects.