- Fill out this form: https://www.austinisd.org/attendance/report-absence
- Send an e-mail using this address: oakhill148@austinisd.org OR
- Call the Attendance Office at 512-414-2336 OR
- Write a note and send in to the office with your student upon return.
- If leaving for an appointment, a note from provider's office should be turned in the following day to Front Office or classroom teacher.
- No early release past 2:30 p.m.
Important Times
7:40 a.m. Tardy bell rings
7:45 a.m. Students are considered tardy if they are not in the building
10:30 a.m. Attendance is taken for the day1:30 p.m. No transportation changes past 2:00 p.m.
3:10 p.m. Dismissal bell ringsThe following is a summary of OHE attendance procedures. Please refer to the entire Austin iSD Student Handbook for complete information.
Reporting Absences
When a student is absent from school for any portion of a school day, the student’s parent must verify the absence using one of the methods listed above. Absence verification must describe the reason for the absence and be submitted by the student’s parent or guardian. Students are marked absent after 10:30 a.m. unless they return with a physician's note to be excused.Parent should report absences as early as possible. Austin ISD has an automated attendance notification/reminder phone call that is placed to parents daily. Parents are asked to report absences within 48 hours.
If a student misses more than four consecutive days because of a personal illness, upon return to school he/she must bring a statement from a health care provider verifying the illness or condition that caused the student’s extended absence.
When possible, verification of a planned absence should be provided to the registrar and to the classroom teacher in advance of the absence. This does not excuse the absence, but helps us to plan ahead.
Early Departure Instructions- Present ID when picking up student.
- Once the parent ID has been verified, we will call the student to the office for pickup.
- If leaving for an appointment, a note from provider's office should be turned in the following day to Front Office or classroom teacher.
- Please allow extra time for us to get your child to the office. Sometimes this takes a little bit as students are at different locations around the building and need to gather their things.
- No early release past 2:30 p.m.
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences are those that are not exempt or excused, but are approved and verified by a parent. Out-of-town absences are documented as unexcused absences. Parents must verify the absence to the campus Attendance Office within 48 hours of the absence. When possible, verification of a planned absence should be provided in advance of the absence and describe the reason for the absence.
Definition of Tardy
Students arriving after the 7:45 a.m. bell should report to class with a slip from the office. Students arriving at school late due to a medical or dental appointment should present a note at the Front Office upon arrival so they can be marked excused. If tardies are excessive, students may be assigned disciplinary consequences in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.Late Arrivals
Students arriving at school late due to a medical or dental appointment should present a note at the Front Office upon arrival so they can be marked excused. Please do not use Family Access to report late arrivals.Attendance-Taking Time
The district must submit attendance of its students to the TEA reflecting attendance at a specific time each day. Official attendance is taken every day at 10:30 a.m. A student absent for any portion of the day, including at the official attendance-taking time, should follow reporting procedures to provide documentation of the absence.